To Register: 
  • Call (972) 492-0895, or
  • print out this form (hit Crtl+P) and either fax to (972) 492-3907 or
    mail completed form to: Whiting & Associates, Inc.
    1930 Rosemeade Parkway, Suite 107, Carrollton, Texas 75007, or
  • e-mail with all of the below information
The one-day seminar fee is $195.00 per person, or 4 or more participants $149.00 per person.
____ Yes! I want to register for the The Employee Free Choice Act Seminar
____ I am unable to attend, but would like to purchase the seminar materials for $149.00.
      I understand these materials will ship after the seminar.
____ I am unable to attend at this time, please notify me of future programs
____ Please send me information about in-house training programs
1)  Please Indicate Seminar Date and City Desired:
2)  List Names of Participant(s)
Name: ________________________________________  Title:________________
Name: ________________________________________  Title:________________
Name: ________________________________________  Title:________________
3)  Company Information:
Company Name:_________________________________________________
Address :______________________________________________________
City:_____________________________  State:_________  ZIP Code:______
Phone: (____) ___________  FAX: (____) ___________
Total # Employees at your location:_____  
4)  Please check method of payment:  
_____ Will mail check made payable to Whiting & Associates, Inc.
_____ Bill company   (Refer to P.O. # ________________)  
Charge To: ____AMEX ____VISA ____MC ____Disc ____Diners Club
Card #_______  _______  _______  _______ Expiration Date: ____/____
Card Holder's Name As It Apppears On Card:_________________________
Cardholder's Signature:__________________________________________
      Registration begins at 8:30 a.m.
Seminar hours are 8:45 to 5:00; lunch break from 12:00 to 1 p.m.